How He Made $2,583.79 in 3 Days…  With No Email List, No Prior Experience, and Without Spending a Dime!

Digital Marketing Training Hub

How He Made $2,583.79 in 3 Days…  With No Email List, No Prior Experience, and Without Spending a Dime!

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Let me start by saying this… I found this article online, and was given permission to re-produce it here!

I’ve never seen a faster method for making money online and driving free traffic to your website than what I’m about to share with you here.

And, if there were ever a method for newbies… this is it!

So, I’ll start by sharing how this all went down and then I’ll follow it up with how you can use the same exact method starting TODAY!

Here we go…

Someone emailed me (after purchasing one of my internet marketing products) and asked if we’d be interested in promoting his solar power info-product to our gardening list. I explained to him that we don’t ever just promote a product to our list.

We always include some kind of value in every email that we send (that’s important in the newsletter business). So, I told him if he wrote an article that delivered value to our subscribers, he could include a link or two back to his site.

He agreed and a few days later I had his article in my inbox. The following week I published it on our blog, and included a few links back to his sales page like he requested (you can see the article on our blog here). Linking directly to his sales page was his request.

He didn’t ask for my advice, so I didn’t give him any. Had he asked, I would’ve recommended linking to a squeeze page to give away a free report.

In this case, maybe something like, “3 DIY Solar Power Projects You Can Do This Weekend”. Something simple but also desirable and it has to be closely related to the article he wrote. Had he done this, he could’ve easily built a quick list of a few thousand people that he could continue to market to later on.

Instead, the traffic was sent directly to his sales page (for a $47 product) with the option to buy… or leave. A few days after publishing the post, I decided to email our subscriber list and send them to our blog to read his guest post. Our subscriber list has more than 225,000 gardeners on it. Granted, not everyone will be interested in solar power, but many will.

In a matter of a few days, more than 10,000 subscribers read his guest post. Within the first 3 days after I sent that email to our subscribers, he sold $2,583.79 worth of his product. 77 sales with zero refunds (he had an exit pop-up offer that sold a smaller version of the product for $20 less).

That’s awesome, right?!

But he could’ve probably gotten more if he would’ve built a list first and had a simple 3 or 4 email autoresponder sequence in place.

Not only that, he has other products that are similar that he could’ve promoted… PLUS, he could promote Clickbank products as an affiliate.

That’s why building a list is so important.

I don’t have any traffic numbers from him but I can tell you based on the numbers from my Google Analytics account, more than 2,000 people clicked through to his sales page. Let’s just say he sold 77 out of 2,000 visitors exactly. That’s a 3.85% conversion to sale. That’s pretty good.

Had he built a list, his conversion rate would probably be closer to 20% (seriously, that’s not hard with a halfway decent follow-up series).

Of course, his opt-in rate on the squeeze page would probably only be 50% so he would’ve had a list of 1,000 people.

20% of 1,000 means he would’ve sold close to 200… instead of 77. PLUS, he could’ve sold other products to those same subscribers for months to come. Lets talk about SEO (search engine optimization).

With a really good piece of content and a half-assed attempt at SEO, you could be siphoning leads off of one guest post for years to come.

If you spend some time doing some SEO research and optimized your article accordingly, add a decent amount of content and make it “share-worthy” … you could probably get 5-10 subscribers per day just from this one article.

With some simple SEO research and a little tweaking, you could easily be on the second page or higher for your desired keyword phrase. Here’s what you should take away from all of this…

In this example, he was promoting his own Clickbank product. The product doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter if it’s your own or an affiliate product. He could’ve just as easily drove traffic to an affiliate offer and probably still made the same amount of money from commissions.

My average Clickbank affiliate commission is usually between $30 and $40. That’s just the front-end offer. If you pick a good product to promote, you can get commissions for every product in the funnel.

I promote a weight loss offer as an affiliate and I earn as much as $210.77 from each customer. The offer has three upsells that I get 50% commission on plus I get 90% commission on the front-end offer.

My point is, anyone can do this… whether you have a product or not. But I highly recommend you drive the traffic to a free offer so you can build a list first. If you have any questions, leave a comment below… I’m happy to help.

Useful Resources 

Fire Your Boss And Join The Internet Marketing Revolution! 

Email marketing, online courses, website building, and funnel automation platform, all yours absolutely FREE!

How You Can Use This Revolutionary 4-Step C.A.S.H. Process To Copy EXACTLY What We’re Doing In No Time Whatsoever! Watch this webinar, TODAY! 

This Simple Process Grows Your Email List Almost Effortlessly! Get Started Now by CLICKING HERE 

How to secretly create an online income stream, while working 9-5 – And go full-time before you know it! Read more here… 

Internet Marketing College 

We have grown to become one of the UK’s leading learning centers. We have trained over 1,000 entrepreneurs and created many successful online businesses.

Internet Business School 
Learning to start a successful online business starts here with the UK’s most up-to-date Internet Marketing Training company.

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Online business articles and ideas. 

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