The 8 Best 2021 Work From Home Side Hustle Ideas

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The 8 Best 2021 Work From Home Side Hustle Ideas

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These times are difficult, and a bit of extra money at the end of the month doesn’t hurt anyone. For that reason, many people are using side hustles as a way to earn extra money, and sometimes, that leads them to build their own business depending on the niche they focus on. Now, there are a lot of places where you can find side hustles without any effort, but are they reliable?

It’s a bit hard to know that nowadays.

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That’s why we’ve come up with this list!

Depending on where you want to look, we have gathered a list of websites where you can look for side hustles either for just one time or to use it in the long-term. Keep in mind that all these sites work differently, and we’ve made the list taking into consideration most of the user’s needs. There’s room for everyone when it comes to side hustles. Let’s get to know where you can start!

  1. Steady

Steady works just like any other website using the “gig economy” would, and you can find several jobs with flexible schedules and even regular jobs either part-time or full-time. We highly recommend this website because you can

  1. FreeeUp

FreeeUp is a freelance marketplace that focuses mainly on digital marketing. If that’s your niche, then this site is the best for you. However, similarly to Upwork, you need to be accepted to start making proposals.

  1. Fiverr

You’ve probably heard about this one because Fiverr is currently very popular! This is a great place for newbies. You can offer your services starting from $5, but the con is that you’ll probably need to ‘promote’ yourself so you can find potential clients. Talking about a personal experience, I had my two first clients here without promoting myself, but everyone’s experiences are different. Overall, it’s a great website, and high offers can be made.

  1. Facebook Groups

Facebook is a place where everything can be found, and that includes side hustles. Just by searching for something like “copywriting” you’ll find many groups out there, but be careful, because you can’t trust everyone on Facebook.

  1. NextDoor

This website lets you connect with people near you for potential part-time jobs, like babysitting or house cleaning.

  1. TaskRabbit

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This site focuses on matching you with potential clients for short-term job opportunities. However, most of the gigs are local, which means that you’ll have to get out of your home (if that’s a problem for you). There are some online opportunities as well, and although you start with a low rate, as your reputation gets better you can increase your prices.

  1. Peopleperhour

This site works similarly to Fiverr and focuses on most of the niches that are common to the freelance world: SEO, writing, design, etc.

  1. Toptal

This is another freelance-marketplace where developers, designers, and finance experts are welcome. It’s hard to get a job here because the website aims for the best ones, so make sure you’re making a good job while trying to find something here. Most of the jobs are remote, and they pay very well. 

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Simon Coulson has made his fortune in a range of different internet business models including information products, membership sites, online retail, online training and online transaction services.

Using his experience he now shares this information giving guidance to people who are exactly where he was and wanting to generate an additional revenue or take their existing business online.

Simon will guide you through 3 steps that will allow for you to start building the internet based business that is right for you and how to pivot an existing business you have online.

During this webclass Simon will show you:

– How do you find or create something successful to sell

– Where you can locate the best place for you to sell your product or services from​​​​​​​

– How to identify and locate your ideal customers and how to sell your products and services to them

More details here …

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