How To Choose A Super-Niche

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How To Choose A Super-Niche

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A super-niche is one that is piping hot and busting at the seams with rabid buyers. They’re usually full of competitors but also full of opportunity.

Super-niches must meet three requirements.

1. The niche must center around a specific audience or group of people with very similar interests.

This won’t weed out too many niche from my list above but I’ll go through it and remove the ones that don’t meet the requirement.

Here’s what the list looks like after removing the unqualified niches.

Like I said, it didn’t remove too many.

The second requirement will weed a decent chunk of them out though. Here’s the second requirement:

2. The niche must fall into one of these three mass markets:  Health, Wealth, or Relationships.

Market Research Masterclass

Why does this matter, you ask? These three markets have proven time and time again to contain people who are willing to pay for help/advice/information.

Here’s what the list looks like after removing the niche ideas that don’t fall into one of these three markets.

47 niche ideas left.

Lets move on to the final requirement of the super-niche process. The third requirement is a biggie and is by far the most important.

I’ve never seen or heard anyone use this method before in niche validation. Here it is:

3. The niche idea must center around GREED, SEX or an IMPROVEMENT OF (SOCIAL) STATUS.

This is an absolute must and will shrink the list dramatically. I’ll explain my reasoning shortly, first lets look at the list after removing all the niche ideas that don’t meet this requirement.

Here’s what the list looks like after removing the niche ideas that don’t meet all three requirements.

11 niche ideas left.

Let me explain my reasoning on the last requirement. This may get rather dark but I promise you it’s the honest truth, like it or not.

We, as human beings, are naturally greedy. It’s in our DNA. Survival is our number one priority. Cavemen would fight to death over a meal. Fortunately, modern times keep us from having to run from lions and bears, hunt for our food and find a cave to get outta the rain.

But that primal instinct still lives in us stronger than ever. Every decision we (humans) make, subconsciously runs through a test in our mind that goes like this…

Will this raise or lower my status? Meaning, will this make me look good or look bad to my friends, family and neighbors? Ultimately, will this help me survive? (It’s all about survival when it comes right down to it.)

Don’t believe me? Tell that to the dudes at Stanford.

It’s true. Trust me.

My point is, there’s nothing people are willing to pay for more than something they WANT. Not something they NEED… something they WANT.

People don’t WANT to replace the hot water tank for their home… they NEED to.

People don’t WANT to replace the alternator in their car… they NEED to.

People don’t WANT to pay for car insurance… they NEED to.

Given the choice, 99 out of 100 people would choose to spend their money on a 60” Big Screen TV… over replacing the roof on their house.

It’s just how we’re wired as humans.

History has proven that people spend their money on things they WANT not things they NEED.

You’re setting yourself up for a tough journey by choosing a niche that doesn’t lend itself to this thinking.

For example, weight loss is fueled by all 3, greed, sex, and status. This all happens subconsciously… “if I lose weight I’ll look better than Sue, men will find me attractive and want to date me, I’ll have guys all over me at the club.”

The Invest In Gold niche… “I’ll look smart when gold goes up, Alan will be jealous and will come to me for advice, maybe I can get that new Corvette I’ve always wanted, then I’ll attract some smokin’ hot babes.” Again, fueled by all 3.

See how this works?

If you choose a super-niche that’s fueled by all 3 of these, you’re well on your way to success.

Hobby Niches Can Make Bank Too

Before you start thinking you need to choose a super-niche, read through the rest of this module.

Hobby niches are niches like snorkeling, quilting, saltwater fishing, running, and… gardening.

While these niches might not be million-dollar per year niches… it’s very possible to earn six figures per year or more in just one of these niches. 

Gross sales from our gardening business in 2016 (Click to enlarge.)

At the time I’m writing this, the year 2016 is only 10 days away from coming to a close.

You can see our gross sales totals from the gardening niche in the graphic to the right.

Click the image to enlarge it.

These sales totals don’t include what we call “offline orders”. These are orders we manually process offline from people who call in or had trouble ordering online.

It also doesn’t include any of our sales that came from PayPal.

All in all, we’re real close to hitting $500,000 total this year.

This is the business I spend about an hour a day working in. That’s 5 hours per week since I don’t work on Saturdays or Sundays.

And that’s just ONE newsletter business. These little hobby newsletter businesses are really easy to setup and run.

Since you’re not competing with thousands of other marketers, your marketing doesn’t have to be outstanding to get noticed. It just has to be relevant.

I could quickly and easily setup two, three, even four more little hobby newsletter businesses like our gardening one and multiple my income in just a couple months.

That’s the power of the newsletter business. Once it’s setup, all you have to do is put people on the list. The business basically runs itself.

Local Business Marketing

Okay, before moving on to Module 2 you need to choose a niche. If you’re having a hard time choosing or would like some feedback or advice on which niche to choose, leave a comment below… I’m happy to help.

This is arguably the single most important aspect of having a successful online business… especially a newsletter business.

99% of marketers dismiss this and consider it to be an unnecessary waste of time.

To them I say, thank you.

Thank you for making it so easy for me to take all of your money! Seriously. If you get this part right, you’re “in like Flynn”. Whoever Flynn is.

(Remember, you can skip all of this tedious research stuff by clicking here.)

Now, you may be wondering what we’re doing here… why are we “wasting time” on this.

Don’t worry, I’ll get to all of that soon enough.

First, I want to talk about copywriting (sighs bellow out from the crowd).

I know…

Copywriting is rather un-sexy. But it’s the number one thing that will EASILY set you apart from the other marketing schmucks down the street.

Most of those marketing schmucks are lazy. This works to your advantage.

With a little grunt work upfront researching your audience and a little more grunt work to create a kick-ass newsletter business… you’ll blow those lazy schmucks outta the water.

And, it all comes down to copywriting… or, what I call Subconscious Seduction – simple writing that subconsciously persuades the reader to take an action or move in a certain direction.

The best part of Subconscious Seduction is, you don’t have to be an A-List copywriter to do this.

It’s actually very simple to learn.

But… it requires you to know your prospect inside and out. Know their biggest fears, their biggest desires and what roadblocks are standing in their way.

You have to be able to think like them, talk like them, act like them.

That’s what this module is all about… learning who your prospect is and what makes them tick.

I’ll be showing you how to properly research your prospects and how to create an avatar of your ideal prospect so when you go to setup your newsletter business, it’ll be easy to create it specifically for your prospect.

After this module, you’ll be left with a Subconscious Seduction Cheatsheet for your ideal prospect.

You’ll know all of their wants and needs, all of their problems and roadblocks, but more importantly… you’ll have a clear vision of their ultimate goal.

When you have this information at your fingertips, the task of sitting down and writing content or apromotional email becomes SOOO frickin’ easy.

For now, lets start researching these folks. As an example, I’ll use the Weight Training niche.

Lets get started…

How to Research Your Niche Quickly

I always like to start with forums.

It’s the first place people go to get advice, to share their wins and to complain about products they’ve used.

So, I’ll go to Google and type in Weight Training Forum. You can do the same with your niche like this, [ENTER YOUR NICHE] Forum.

The first result is I’ll start there.

Right off the bat I see they have their forum divided into categories based on age and end result.

Part of this research process for you, is the discovery of a sub-niche.

With big super-niche like this, you gotta really hone in on one ultra-specific niche of people.

Here’s why…

I can’t talk to female bodybuilders the same way I’d talk to male strongmen. First off, the gender thing, second, the language they use will be different.

The exercises they do, their diets, their ultimate goals… all different.

There isn’t one solution to everyone’s problem in a niche this large. So, part of this research phase will include the selection of a sub-niche.

I’ll keep a list of sub-niche potentials as I go through the research phase.

Here’s what I’ll be thinking about as I browse different forums:

  • What’s the ultimate goal of these people?
  • What are the steps required for them to reach that goal?
  • What’s standing in the way of them reaching that goal?

These are pretty basic questions but they’re extremely important to YOUR success. If you can identify a group of people who share the same goals and are experiencing the same roadblocks, you’ve just found a sub-niche.

As I go through the forums, I’ll keep a notepad file open with the following categories:

  • Roadblocks
  • Products They’ve Used
  • Groups of People and Their Ultimate Goal

I’ll then browse as many forums as I can and add things I find to my notepad file under the corresponding category. (Note: your categories may differ from mine a little depending on your niche but overall they should be very similar.)

So, off I go on an hour or two journey through an endless amount of forums. A few things for you to keep your eye out for when you do this research…

Definitely make note of products. This is where you’ll find hidden gems that you may be able to promote.

Just in 15 minutes time, I’ve been to two forums and already have a list of 5 products people have used, one of which is sold through Clickbank that I probably wouldn’t have found just browsing through the Clickbank marketplace.

Also, create another category in your text file called Quotes They Use. It’s a great idea to copy and paste EXACT quotes your prospects are using. It’ll help you learn their language while at the same time documenting their goals and roadblocks.

Look at this quote I just snagged…

I’m not only looking to remain nutritionally healthy, but also to achieve the aesthetic physique that I’ve never had.”


I think I’m honing in on a sub-niche already! Back to the forums I go.


I’m back.

My text file is crammed full of useful data and I’m already 10 times further ahead than any one of those other marketing schmucks.

Okay, lets see what I found…

My Niche Research Results

I’m just gonna copy and paste straight from my text file:


  • I have a hard time staying motivated
  • I love the food that’s not good for you
  • I commute long distances for work
  • I’m bad at planning meals/eating right
  • I’m not in the mood to get off the couch, get in the car and go to the gym
  • I have a lack of energy
  • At the end of the day I want something fast to eat and I don’t feel like exercising
  • I have no idea where to start, no plan

Products They’ve Used:

Groups of People and Their Ultimate Goal:

  • Lose Weight
  • Lose Weight for a Specific Event (Vacation, Wedding, etc.)
  • Build Muscle for Skinny Guys
  • Sports Training
  • Contest Preparation
  • Powerlifting/Strongman
  • Teen Bodybuilding
  • Female Bodybuilding
  • Lose Fat, Increase Muscle
  • Lose Moobs
  • Lean Muscle Diet

Quotes They Posted:

I’m not only looking to remain nutritionally healthy, but also to achieve the aesthetic physique that I’ve never had.”

The entire process of changing my diet and exercising seems so impossible every time I think about it I give up before I start. Did I mention a lack of energy? You bet at the end of the day I’m exhausted so I want something fast to eat and I don’t feel like exercising (I suppose like many people). It all needs to change and I’ve known it for years.”

Hi. I recently started working out last year of January. I was overweight. 185lbs of no muscle, just fat. I started lifting while also doing a lot of cardio afterwards to lose weight. Now I’m at 165lbs and I lost a lot of fat on my chin and core. I want to be 160lbs and be very cut by having more muscle mass. How do I do that? My goal is to have a model-like physique. Here’s what I look now.”

Right, I’m 23, 5’7 and 227 lbs so I want to lose some fat and put on some muscle mass. Thing is I have absolutely no idea where to start. Can anyone give me a few tips and pointers on where I should begin – what type of things should I be doing and what should I expect? Which exercises I should do, diet, what I should be doing in the gym, how regular I should be doing it???”

Hi forum, I’m starting out on my journey to transform my body but am lacking motivation i am 35 and looking to get back into shape from my sporting days before life and work got in the way. I’ve been exercising for a few weeks now and the body is reminding me of its age lol does anyone have any motivational stories or tips and hits from readers who were in my situation? anything would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Luke”

Hi, I am Pascal. This is my first post here, so, hello to everybody.
In January I started Stronglifts 5×5. 1 month ago I changed to Arnold’s program, which consists in working every body part 2 times per week. Now, you see how am I looking now, I am 6’2, 246lbs and 36 years old. I am eating 3 times a day, big meals. I train 6 days a week now. How can I get rid of the big belly of mine? Less food? More intense training? Cardio? Thank you.”

Hello I’m 35. I weigh 10 stone 8 and I have no muscle. I don’t want to have a bodybuilder type body. But I am in need of some muscle. Mainly for self confidence. I’m not going to a gym and have no intention of doing so I have dumbbells, a barbell and a weight bench. Can anyone suggest a workout routine for me? I have researched but I get so confused. The simpler the better. Thanks in advance and Apologies if it’s in the wrong thread etc ”

Hi all, I used to train and did so 4 days a week and could shift a bit of weight about, however since then I’ve let myself go, I’m overweight and don’t go to the gym no more, I am wanting to get back into it, obviously need to lose the weight but want to get back into lifting and start the muscle growth again… Bit of advice if possible, do i just do fitness lose the fat and then start again, or shall I hit the weights and protein again and eat sensibly? Your thoughts please Thanks ”

Hi Everyone, First time on the forums so hi! So I’ve looked at beginner guides for workouts to try to get a routine / plan but it seems to commit a decent amount of time that I don’t have with my work. I was wondering if anyone could give feed back / direction on what to do with my situation. I’m right out of college [5’11” 190lbs] and in the construction field; I’m out of the office walking around practically all day with hours ranging from 10 to 14 hour work days. (6 AM to 4:30~5 / 7 PM) I have a pretty fast paced work schedule and try to “somewhat” eat healthy whenever I go with coworkers for food. I dont have a gym membership because I wouldn’t have time but I have about 1 hour for work out about 3 days a week which I do at home with cardio / basic dumbbells weight lifting then basically relax for an hour and go to sleep. I’m trying to stay healthy / get a little bulk but am having trouble trying to get a decent balance with my work schedule.”

So I’m new to this whole weight loss thing. My wife (cc screen name “the luckiest) has lost nearly 70 pounds using calorie count and is just about finished her “weight loss journey” as she says.  She’s gotten me started with this and I’ll see how it goes. I’m 26 and have had a high metabolism my whole life.  I’ve always played tons of sports, and still play golf on a weekly basis. But my metabolism has slowed down and I’m getting that hereditary beer belly that comes from my dad. I want to be toned and fit again, not thin or anything. But I don’t want to live on salad. I just want to work out, and drop about 14 pounds. I’m so proud of my wife, she’s set a great example. So there have to be other guys out there in the same boat. I think 99% of these forums are for women. What guys are out there, what are your goals/current weight, etc? Why are you losing weight? What’s your story? And please, no women in here talking about lady problems. There are enough of those forums. (no offense ladies)

My stats: 26 years old  6’3″
Current Weight: 197lbs
Goal Weight: 183lbs
14 pounds to go


I’m 37 y/o who has lost 100lbs over the past 3 years doing Weight Watchers and going to the gym.  I have been overweight all my life and now trying to kick it into the next gear…enter The Lean Muscle Diet.  I started out at 318lbs and am now down to 218 give/take a few depending on which day it is.  Looking to build muscle and shed some fat. I have read through the book and will be starting the workout on Tuesday.  I have been going to a gym for almost 10 years now so it will be interesting to see how the workout goes.  It all begins in a few days…”

Hello, Jonathan here. 30yrs old, long time of mild activity and being lazy. Looking to get back in shape which will allow me to be a better father and teach good habits.  I’m not really overweight (157lbs, 5’10”) just with the habits I’ve been following it wont be long. I am however sadly out of shape. My struggle will be that I commute long distances for work, and I am very very very bad at planning meals / eating right.”

Hi guys Nicholas, from Malaysia 32 6ft1. I’m currently at 80kg 12% bodyfat last i checked. Goals are pretty straight forward, to gain as much lean mass while dropping bodyfat :D”

Hello, everyone. Stats: 29, 6’3, 210-212 lbs, anywhere from 15-18% bodyfat. Basically, I have been weight-training for a year and a half, after many years of off/on cardio workouts.
Funny thing about me: I have only ever eaten at a deficit with short periods of maintenance calories (to ‘reset’?). Since starting the Lean Muscle Diet about 4 weeks ago, I am finally adjusting to a caloric surplus for the next 6 months. Here’s to hoping I can drop fat and gain muscle as part of a proper ‘culk’.  -Steve”

Alright, it’s your turn.

You can see most of what I did was just copy and paste. Forums are one of the best places to do research. People tell you exactly what you need to know.

Another great place for research is Facebook. See if you can find some related groups to join. Once you’ve done this research, you can move on to the next step.

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