The 5 Hottest Online Business Models To Start in 2020 and Beyond

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The 5 Hottest Online Business Models To Start in 2020 and Beyond

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First one, creating and selling Alexa’s skills. Now everybody knows that Alexa has become very very popular especially in the United States but not only there. And one of the things that have started to generate income for a lot of online entrepreneurs is creating and selling Alexa skills. Many people go and buy from the Amazon Marketplace different types of skills for Alexa. You can also do this as a personalized service for restaurants, for different apps, for different online businesses. You can also go in to marketing for Alexa skills and many other things like that but creating and selling. Alexa skills can be a very lucrative business and there are already a lot of people who are doing this for money.

Now the second type of business that we are going to discuss about this create and sell videos and video ads for businesses. As you already know more than 70 percent of all online traffic come from comes from video. So basically using videos if you are on business who wants to have a strong presence online is crucial in actually getting results. So creating and selling those two different types of businesses and especially video as because these are very used for YouTube and Facebook and other distribution channels can be again very very lucrative and a lot of people are doing this successfully.

Another way of creating an online business in 2020 and I think this is something that will work for many many years from now on. And you can compare it a little bit with the real estate in the physical world. It’s Flip domains and sites. Again the online presence and using the Internet as a business ecosystem itself has basically transformed domains and sites into actually virtual real estate. So flipping domains and sites can be again a very very lucrative type of business.

Then we have the fourth one which is creating and selling online courses. Again this one it’s becoming more and more popular every single year and it will actually grow from year and year and year because more people have access to this type of courses, more people want to learn new things and realize that the Internet is a very good solution to go to do that.

And the fifth one is to start the membership site. A lot of people want to be part of different communities and to learn more in different niches. And one of the best ways to create let’s say a recording type of income and business online is to create a membership site. And why is that. Because it gives you stability if you have expertise in a domain. If you have a community in a domain or a specific niche this can be a very good business model for you. 

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