How To Become An Information Niche Expert

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How To Become An Information Niche Expert

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The Internet is full of information – we all know that. And now, you are going to make use of it to research the subject of your first niche marketing eBook. The search engines are sitting there waiting to do your bidding. Did you know that different search engines can bring back entirely different results?

That’s why you need to use more than one of them for some really thorough research. Besides Google, which I think nearly everyone knows about, you also have these search engines to help you in your task ahead: (formerly Ask Jeeves)
 Live Search (formerly MSN Search)
 Yahoo Search


The search engines are where you will go for the detailed niche marketing information you need to write your eBook. But there is also another source of information that is a fairly untapped source for aspiring eBook authors, and some of these sources are not always found on a regular search using one of the above search engines.

These are the blogs, newsgroups, email lists, online forums and newsletters. There is a virtual goldmine of information related to your chosen subject just sitting here waiting to be tapped. You can find these sources by using a certain set of terms on your choice of search engines. Just take the word that represents the subject you have chosen, and match it with the source. For example, if you are looking for information on insurance, simply type in:

” Insurance email lists
” Insurance newsgroups
” Insurance forums
” Insurance newsletters

You can get a handle of what would be the most popular topic for your first eBook just by taking a little time to read some of these message boards, email lists, and all the rest. These are real people talking about their problems on these forums and such. You never know when you might run across a posting that would spark an idea for an eBook, so it’s a good idea to jot down notes as you are reading.

Now, what do you do if for some reason you can’t find the information you are seeking by using the search engines? Then you have probably chosen a topic that would not sell very well. If people are not discussing it, they are not apt to buy an eBook about it! Try with another subject until you get a match. Once you do, it’s time to start writing for your niche market!

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